Register for Freelance Fest









Ready to step up your freelance game?

Freelance Fest is a virtual conference that will arm you with actionable strategies you can use to start growing your freelance business straight away.

Six of the smartest freelance content marketers around will be joining us to present short, sweet, and super actionable 20-minute workshops throughout the day.

Plus, we’ll be hosting two live Q&As in which our six guests will be answering your burning questions on how to set yourself up for freelance success and how to level up your freelance career.

Last but not least, you’ll be able to join us for two optional TOFU Connect networking sessions. Get matched with three other folks attending Freelance Fest to compare notes – or just chat.

Register now and join us for a jam-packed day of insights from some super talented freelancers.

Here's the full schedule for the day (all times in US Eastern Time):


Register for Freelance Fest

When you register, you'll opt in to receive reminder emails about this event as well as emails about future workshops, live streams, Q&As, and more. Unsubscribe any time.

How To Niche Down And Productize Your Freelance Business with Lashay Lewis

Carve out a strong niche for yourself and you’ll never be out of work again.

But… how?

BOFU content expert Lashay Lewis has been there, done that, and got the T-shirt.

And in this workshop she’ll be schooling us on:

  • How to transition from in-house to freelance
  • How to craft a strong POV
  • How to hone in on your specific skill set 
  • How to productize that skill set 

And much more!

About Lashay

Lashay is the founder of Authority Plug, where she specializes in creating high-converting BOFU content for B2B SaaS companies. 

She works with high-growth SaaS companies and marketing leaders as a consultant to help their team execute a profitable, repeatable content marketing strategy.

Freelance Pipeline Secrets: 2 Strategies to Never Run Out of Clients Again with Lizzie Davey

Want to say goodbye to rollercoaster income?

Then you need a steady stream of inbound leads. 

Plus, you need to know how to go out and land new clients whenever you need to.

Lizzie will be showing us how to get both sides of the equation right in this workshop.


  • How to get clients fast with active marketing
  • How to create a steady stream of inbound leads with passive marketing
  • When to use passive marketing and when to use active marketing
  • How to make time for both types of marketing – even when you’re busy

And much more!

About Lizzie

Lizzie Davey has ten years in the freelancing game. She's worked with world-class brands like Shopify, Hotjar, and CoSchedule, and has written thousands of words all over the internet. Alongside her successful freelancing business, she helps her fellow freelancers establish and grow their own businesses with practical resources, handy guides, and actionable workshops.

Breakthrough Bylines: How to Write for Companies like Zapier, HubSpot, Semrush, Shopify, and More with Tyler Hakes

Every great freelancer lands that one breakthrough client.

The big name.

The prestige brand.

And once they land that gig, it opens all kinds of doors—bigger names, better clients, and higher rates. 

So how do they go from writing for no-name clients to big brands like Zapier, HubSpot, Semrush, and Shopify?

Turns out, it’s easier than you think. 

In this session, Tyler will share his findings from interviewing some of the world’s most successful freelancers about their journey. 

He’ll break down the exact process that freelancers like Lizzie Davey, Chima Mmeje, and Ankit Vora used to land some of the world’s biggest brands as clients—and how they turned those opportunities into a freelance flywheel for unlocking even bigger and better gigs. 

About Tyler

Tyler Hakes is a freelance writer turned agency owner with nearly 15 years experience in content, marketing, and SEO. His agency, Optimist, operates on a collective model that includes a team of 20+ full-time professional freelancers. He’s seen thousands of freelance applications and hundreds of freelance writers, designers, strategists, and more.

Live Q&A on Leveling Up Your Freelance Career with Lashay Lewis, Lizzie Davey, and Tyler Hakes

Lashay, Lizzie, and Tyler will be answering your questions about how to take your freelance career to the next level in this live Q&A.

TOFU Connect: Round 1 (Community Networking)

We’ll match you with three other folks attending Freelance Fest for a social meet and greet.

Compare notes on workshops or just have a chat – there’s no agenda.

Register for Freelance Fest

When you register, you'll opt in to receive reminder emails about this event as well as emails about future workshops, live streams, Q&As, and more. Unsubscribe any time.

Cold Pitching Strategies That Don’t Feel Gross with Liam Carnahan

Cold pitching is a tried-and-tested way to land clients.

But let’s be honest. 

It can feel kinda gross sometimes. 

Liam is going to show us how to cold pitch clients without giving ourselves the ick.

He’ll be schooling us on:

  • A better approach to cold outreach than the "spray and pray" numbers game 
  • How to build a list of qualified leads from scratch
  • Real examples of his successful cold-pitches
  • His "lead necromancy" follow-up strategy for reviving dead leads 

And much more!

About Liam

Liam is a coach and mentor for freelancers, and runs his own SEO and content marketing business. After spending over a decade in marketing agencies, where he eventually became Director of Content, he quit his job to pursue his digital nomad dreams as a freelancer in 2018. In his first year, Liam broke $100,000, all while working fewer hours and traveling the world. 

He enjoys the freedoms of freelancing so much, he's now dedicated to helping others realize their dreams through the SEO Bridge Builders training program and freelance community.

LinkedIn(bound): How to Turn Your LinkedIn Profile Into a Client Lead Magnet with Rachel Meltzer

A bad LinkedIn profile could be costing you clients.

Luckily, Rachel has figured out how to turn your LinkedIn profile into a client magnet.

And she'll be walking us through her tried-and-tested LinkedIn profile checklist in this must-see workshop.

You'll learn:

  • How Rachel has used LinkedIn to consistently get clients since 2019
  • Her checklist for optimizing your LinkedIn profile to get freelance clients 
  • How to make your profile more YOU (and why that will land you more work)
  • What a great freelance LinkedIn profile looks like (using real examples)

And much more!

About Rachel

Rachel is a freelance tech writer and business coach who’s helped over 100 freelancers find success and stability. And she’s been doing it for 6 years. 

Rachel’s superpower is helping freelancers land their dream clients with proven methods, templates, and advice. She’s helped freelancers get their first client in less than 21 days, double their income, escape the feast/famine cycle to find a stable income, and much more.

How to Get Hired: What an Agency Owner Looks For From A Freelance Writer with Brooklin Nash

Brooklin’s content marketing agency, Beam Content, only works with the top 2% of freelance talent.

In this workshop he’ll be revealing what the folks who make the cut do to stand out from the rest.

He’ll be schooling us on:

  • How to create a portfolio that will impress your clients
  • The secret to a strong network
  • Why clear processes get you more clients
  • How to price your services

And much more!

About Brooklin

Brooklin Nash is cofounder of Beam Content, a B2B content agency with a mission to reorient the role of content within GTM while providing an excellent work experience for freelancers. As a former freelance writer and in-house content marketer, Brooklin pulls on his 10+ years of experience to share best practices around content marketing and freelancing.

Live Q&A on Setting Yourself Up For Freelance Success with Liam Carnahan, Rachel Meltzer, and Brooklin Nash

Liam, Rachel, and Brooklin will be answering your questions about how to set yourself up for freelance success in this live Q&A.

TOFU Connect: Round 2 (Community Networking)

We’ll end the day by matching you with another three folks attending Freelance Fest for another virtual coffee.

Register for Freelance Fest

When you register, you'll opt in to receive reminder emails about this event as well as emails about future workshops, live streams, Q&As, and more. Unsubscribe any time.