Why Google May Not Be Indexing Your Content... And What To Do About It
Apr 11, 2024
Indexation is a big and growing problem as Google only indexes the best of the best.
Here's why Google may not be indexing your content... and what to do about it.
First things first?
(1) Analyze to understand if there are any RENDERING or ACCESSIBILITY issues for your content
The more “work” you make Google do to understand page contents, the less they’re going to want to do it (rendering and indexing costs $$$!)
So make sure it’s as easy as possible to get Google the information they need.
For tools & further guidance on this auditing process see: https://www.screamingfrog.co.uk/conducting-an-seo-content-audit/
(2) Check your headers, tags & plug-ins, people!
So many times, the issue can be found in the code.
A broken header (https://ohgm.co.uk/breaking-the-head-to-learn-stuff-maybe/) or a misplaced tag or plug-in can cause google to stop the crawling/rendering process, making indexation highly unlikely.
(3) Take a good, hard look at your content
It might be “good, rich” content by normal (maybe old?) standards - but is it truly unique and valuable vs what else is out there?
Are there other blogs that are similar - what are you doing that they aren’t doing? How can you stand out?
(4) …Is it organized in a user-friendly layout? Is it optimized for mobile viewing?
#BacktoBasics #MobileFirst!
Bottom line, the higher the rendering cost, the higher value you need to provide.
So tip the balance in your favor by improving your site on BOTH ends of this scale!
Tory Gray is CEO of The Gray Dot Company. Her vast experience in SEO extends into various leadership roles for reputable agencies and in-house start-ups.
βWith a reputation for scaling and growing businesses, Tory’s strategic acuity and adaptable lens to see the big picture proves her to be an SEO leader and one of the keenest eyes in the profession.
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