Leveling Up: Writer To Strategist w/ Tyler Hakes

content strategy May 20, 2024
Leveling Up: Writer To Strategist w/ Tyler Hakes

Key Takeaways:

  • The current market presents challenges for writers, including competition from AI and a decrease in available roles.
  • Moving into strategic work is a way to escape the race to the bottom and protect one's career.
  • The five paths to leveling up as a writer include exploring new content formats, learning SEO, focusing on content ops, diving into reporting and analysis, and pursuing strategy work.
  • Each path involves acquiring specific skills and applying them to advance in the field.
  • Taking steps to learn and develop skills in these areas can help writers thrive in the industry.
  • Learning Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is important for content strategists.
  • Courses on Skillshare and by Bree Anderson from Beast Analytics are recommended for learning GA4.
  • Tyler Hakes offers a course that helps learners create a fully formed SEO content strategy from scratch.
  • The course provides hands-on experience and practical deliverables.
  • There is a special offer for the course and the option to join the Mofu subscription tier.

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